Category Archives: Pre-purchase

Pre-Purchase Vetting

Whether you’re purchasing for pleasure or performance, hidden defects can be costly, both financially and emotionally. That is why we recommend to our clients that they invest in a a complete and thorough evaluation of the horse or pony before they flash their cash.


The vetting gold-standard.

Performed in accordance with South African Veterinary Association (SAVA) guidelines, a standard pre-purchase vetting consists of a thorough physical examination that includes an evaluation of the horses’ gait at the walk, trot and canter, as well as under saddle. The animals are examined before, during and after exercise, and aspects of the neurological system are also considered. Flexion tests are also performed during the vetting process.


Getting a more detailed clinical look.

Additional examinations are offered for those looking for more thorough testing. These tests may include lameness evaluation using our lameness locator, clinical analyses via digital x-ray, upper respiratory tract endoscopy, and drug testing. Please make sure to discuss all your per-purchase requirements with with our veterinarians prior to the evaluation.


Call us on 031 769 1072 to book a horse in for an evaluation today.