Tag Archives: embryo transfer


The Equis Veterinary Practice offers its clients a wide range of services as far as equine reproduction goes. From routine pregnancy and follicle scans, to assisted breeding, Artificial Insemination (AI), and stallion semen collection and storage –  we do it all.


Increase the probability of a positive result

The daily monitoring of your mare’s reproductive cycle via ovarian ultrasounds/scans allows us to asses follicle (egg) growth and to accurately predict ovulation. This increases the chance of conception by ensuring that insemination occurs at the most opportune time. Uterine lavage and antibiotic infusions are often also utilised to maximise pregnancy rates.


Failing to conceive?

Problem mare investigation and treatment is also frequently carried out at our equine hospital. Such investigations may include uterine culture, biopsy and endoscopy of your mare.


horses-84374_640Embryo transfers

Simply put, embryo transfer is the transfer of a very young embryo from a donor to a surrogate mare. The surrogate then carries the foal to complete development, gives birth to it and raises it. As you can imagine, this is a particularly valuable breeding tool for those looking to breed from a superior mare, but unwilling to risk a pregnancy bringing her competitive career to a halt.

Other situations in which embryo transfers may be advantageous include:

  • When a mare is unable to bring offspring to full term due physiological or health reasons.
  • The mare is younger than 2 – 3 years of age.
  • Multiple offspring from a single superior mare is desired in one year.

Responsible for the first foal born via successful embryo transfer in KZN, Dr Langley BVSc MMed is renowned as an expert in the field. She is one of the few vets in the region currently performing consistently successful embryo transfers. Should you be interested in pursuing this option, Dr Langley will gladly sit down and discuss the procedure with you and any other interested parties, and help you develop a plan that will ensure that maximum success is be achieved in this regard.


Foaling Down Services

As the due date approaches, clients are encouraged to move their mares to our facility, where cameras in the stables will allow us to monitor your mare’s progress. In the final days leading up to the birth, 24 hour personal supervision is implemented. Such individualised care allows Equis staff to accurately assess and monitor the health of your mare and foal, and ensures that our on-site veterinarian is on hand to help ensure a safe delivery.


Cost effective breeding from Equis Veterinary Practice

Although procedures like embryo transfers are typically regarded as being costly, here at Equis Veterinary Practice we have dedicated ourselves to offering a more cost effective packages that ensures maximum results while minimising costs for unsuccessful attempts.

Wherever possible we encourage our clients to truck / float there horses to our practice. Not only does this enable us to offer clients a full reproductive service, but also significantly reduces the costs associated with equine breeding.